Item List

Andropogon gerardii
Big Blue Stem
Light: Sun
Soil: Sandy, loam, gravel
Moisture: Medium to dry, drought tolerant but also likes moisture.
Size: Ht 3-6’ Wd 1-2’
Bloom time: Late summer to fall, warm season grass
Bloom description: “Turkey foot” shaped bloom is reddish brown, lovely swaying in the wind.
Faunal Associations: Birds, mammals, host for some Skipper butterflies

Anemone canadensis
Canada Anemone
Light: Part shade/ part sun
Soil: Loamy to slightly sandy
Moisture: Medium well drained
Size: Ht 1’ Ground Cover- THIS PLANT WILL SPREAD, so be careful where you
plant it.
Bloom time: Early summer
Bloom description: White flower
Faunal Associations: small bees and flies. Unattractive to deer and rabbits.

Asclepias incarnata
Swamp Milkweed
Light: Sun
Soil: Loam
Moisture: moist preferred but will tolerate drier conditions to some degree
when mature.
Size: Ht 3-4’ Wd 2-3’ Does not spread aggressively like common milkweed.
Bloom time: July- Aug. VERY Late to emerge in the spring. Have patience!
Bloom description: Beautiful pink umbrella shaped blooms with a light vanilla
Faunal Associations: Bumble bees, metallic green sweat bees, leafcutter bees
and butterflies love the blooms on this plant. Host plant for Monarch butterfly

Echinacea pallida
Pale Purple Coneflower
Light: Sun to very light shade
Soil: Well drained, sandy
Moisture: Very drought tolerant once established.
Size: Ht 30-60” Wd 1’
Bloom time: Late June into July
Bloom description: Delicate blooms that are ethereal in the landscape. Looks
very pretty growing among native grasses.
Faunal Associations: Provides nectar and pollen for a long period of time for
short and long tongued bees and many butterflies.

Echinacea purpurea
Purple Coneflower
Light: Full sun
Soil: loam to sandy
Moisture: Moist. Somewhat drought tolerant once established.
Size: Ht 2’ - 3’
Bloom time: Mid to late summer
Bloom description: Beautiful purple petals from a raised orange cone.
Faunal Associations: short and long tongued bees, Bumble bees, many
butterflies including Swallow tails, fritillaries, monarchs and red admirals.